Are plumbing poltergeists haunting your monthly bills? Toilet problems aren’t just annoying—they invoke sneaky expenses that can turn into a horror show of hidden costs. A Toilet of Terror can make any residential or commercial restroom a haunted house, but you can exorcise those expenses with the right toilet technology.

Bathroom Boogeymen You Might Find Scary

The Clog Monster waits to strike at the most inconvenient times, whether summoned by too much toilet paper or something more sinister, such as a child's toy. The Clog Monster sometimes just causes a mess, but it can also require expensive repairs that can send shivers down your spine—and your wallet!

The Leftover Phantom is a real menace to commercial locations. It loves frightening customers in high-traffic bathrooms with creepy leftovers that don’t go down the drain in the first flush. It can also cause additional flushes that waste water and leave you with bills that have you screaming at your accountant.

The Ghostly Drip is a spooky sound in the middle of the night that means money down the drain, and those water bills can become your own personal ghost story. If left unchecked, a running toilet can add up to hundreds of dollars of needless water bills haunting your bank account.

The Gluttonous Ghoul is a spirit of yesteryear, often found in both commercial and residential locations, that still uses 3.5 to 5 gallons of water per flush. For a small family or large hotel, those wasted gallons add up fast.

Pressure-assisted Flushing Exorcises Your Toilet of Terror

Now that we've uncovered the monsters in your restroom, it's time to learn how to exorcise these devilish costs.

First of all, consider replacing conventional gravity flush toilets with water-efficient, pressure-assisted toilets. A pressure-assisted toilet reduces (or eliminates) clogs, helps keep the bowl cleaner, saves water, and makes repairs easier and less frequent.

Unlike gravity toilets, a pressure-assisted toilet—also known as a power-flush toilet—contains a sealed vessel within the tank that compresses trapped air and uses the water supply line pressure to compress the trapped air. When a flush is triggered, this compressed air expands and forces the water into the bowl, so instead of “pulling” waste out with a siphon action, the pressure-assisted unit “pushes” waste out with significantly greater force.

This powerful flushing action is why pressure-assisted toilets are far less likely to clog—even using as little as one gallon of water per flush.

Conquering Creepy Commercial Restroom Creatures

All the above plumbing poltergeists are annoying and expensive for residential restrooms, but in a commercial setting they’re seriously scary. For business, it's always an adventure keeping an eye on usage and trying to tame the restroom creepies—but pressure-assisted toilets can help conquer marauding maintenance costs.

  • They virtually eliminate the Clog Monster, so you’re not paying maintenance staff to go unclog toilets (or calling a plumber for expensive repairs).
  • They stay cleaner-looking longer than gravity toilets, so customers never have to encounter the experience-destroying Leftover Phantom.
  • They use less water because they almost never need double-flushing. You can replace your Gluttonous Ghoul toilets with 1.0, 1.28, or 1.6 gpf units that are even better at removing clogs.
  • They have fewer moving parts than many gravity toilets, and most of the serviceable parts are easy to replace. So, they’re not only extremely durable, they’re easy to fix on the rare occasions when they do need repairs.

So bid farewell to the days of bracing yourself for jump scares lurking behind that stall door. With the right flushing technology, you'll keep the toilet terrors at bay while saving time and money.

Pressure-assisted Toilets End the Horror Show

By recognizing and addressing these common toilet-related expenses, you can save yourself from the terrifying grip of unexpected bills or customer dissatisfaction. This Halloween season, be prepared to face the Toilet of Terror head-on, armed with knowledge and a good sense of humor. 

Happy Halloween!

Talk to the experts at Flushmate to learn more about the benefits of Flushmate technology to help eliminate these ghoulish clogs and ghostly drips.