There’s never a good time to get a clogged toilet. But there are bad times, and then there are “oh-no-please-not-now” bad times.

Whether you own a home with two or three toilets or a business with dozens of them, these are the moments you dread. The moments when everything else grinds to a halt. The moments when you wish you’d installed the world’s top technology for avoiding clogged toilets (that produces up to 233% more waste extraction power) instead of a conventional gravity toilet.

And if you own, install, or specify toilets, these are the moments you should keep in mind.

  1. Happy hour at a popular tavern. It’s always a challenge for you to keep your restrooms clean when your restaurant or bar is packed with people having a good time. The last thing you need is a clogged toilet that increases restroom wait time for patrons, gives them an unpleasant experience, and takes someone (like you) away from helping guests to go unclog the toilet. It’s a really bad look at a really bad time.
  2. Thanksgiving dinnerWith all that yummy food, someone’s bound to overtax a gravity toilet’s flushing capacity. Then, when you should be relaxing with pie and cider, you’re fetching the plunger and a mop instead. And now everyone has to use the upstairs bathrooms (that you didn’t even clean because you didn’t expect guests to go up there). Happy holidays!
  3. Midnight at the apartment complex. The more apartments you manage, the more toilets there are that can potentially clog. And the more potential clogs, the more likely you or your staff will be called on at midnight to unclog one. No wonder so many apartment complexes install pressure-assisted toilets to minimize clogs, reduce labor costs, and cut water usage.
  4. Halftime. Whether you’re in charge of a school gymnasium or a 20,000-seat arena, a clogged toilet can spoil the fan experience. And you just know it’s going to happen right when everyone’s trying to use the restroom.
  5. 1:30 p.m. at the office. Office restrooms become high-traffic areas after lunch, so Murphy’s Law dictates that it’s the most likely time for a clogged toilet. Should you call maintenance, or deal with it yourself? Either way, it’s a waste of time and resources. No wonder one manager was so happy with their office’s pressure-assisted toilet: “We have had the unit for 20 years. Flushmate power flush works every single time. We have had zero clogs, and it saves water.” 
  6. Noon at the hotel. Last night’s guests left a surprise in Room 714, and your cleaning staff has to call maintenance to deal with it. No big deal if it happens once, but what if it happens every day? Pressure-assisted toilets save hotel operators a ton of maintenance calls, and—because they deliver clog-busting flushing power with as little as one gallon per flush—they help reduce water bills, too.
  7. 7:15 a.m. at just about any family’s house. The kids are getting washed up and ready for school. Mom and Dad need to shower, get dressed, and help the kids get ready. Someone needs to walk the dog. And now one of the toilets is clogged? Aaaaargh!
  8. Right before that big client meeting. It’s a make-or-break day for your small business. You’ve been working on the presentation for weeks. The office looks fantastic … except for the restroom near the conference room, where the toilet is clogged. Executive decision time: Should you just hope the client doesn’t use the restroom, or greet them with a plunger in your hand?

Avoid those “Ugh” Moments with Pressure-assisted Toilets

Remember—the best way to avoid these moments is to install pressure-assisted toilets with Flushmate technology

  • Pressure-assisted toilets generate more flushing power that pushes waste into the drain line with 91% higher velocity using the same amount of water. That means even low-flush-volume toilets can stay clog-free even under heavy usage.
  • Pressure-assisted toilets save water by reducing the need for double-flushing—even with 1.0 gpf toilets.
  • Pressure-assisted toilets help lower maintenance costs by reducing service calls, staying cleaner-looking longer, and needing repairs less often.

Talk to the experts at Flushmate to learn more about the clog-eliminating power of Flushmate technology.